Creating an Online Platform related to the Chosen Track

 Accountancy, Business and Management Strand (ABM)

Isn't it thrilling to be in charge of a company? Are you up for the task of dealing with a company's financial transactions? The ABM (Accountancy, Business, and Management) strand may be right for you.

The principles of business, accounting, marketing, and economics will be covered in this Senior High School strand. It will also equip you with knowledge and abilities that are in sync with the digital trend, allowing you to think large as you prepare for a future corporate environment that is increasingly digital.

The Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) strand would concentrate on the fundamental ideas of financial management, company management, corporate operations, and accounting. ABM can also lead to management and accounting positions such as sales manager, human resources, marketing director, project officer, bookkeeper, accounting clerk, internal auditor, and many others.

The Accounting, Business, and Management (ABM) strand prepares students for careers in the corporate sector by providing them with the skills and information they require. Students who desire to be business leaders and entrepreneurs should enroll in this senior high school strand. ABM is the correct strand for you if you want to operate a business, communicate to clients, and come up with money-making tactics.

ABM topics will teach you with foundational abilities in statistics, economics, and accounting, as well as prepare you for college studies by providing you with a foundation in management, marketing, and business ethics.


  1. Learn about company management, corporate operations, and financial management fundamentals. 
  2. Learn about marketing fundamentals.
  3. Improve your ability to communicate in a business setting.
  4. Develop your leadership abilities and discover how to put them to work in the workplace.
  5. Develop your logical and analytical abilities.

What’s Next: College Courses Senior High Students Can Take After Completing the ABM Strand

  1. The Accounting Courses
  • Bachelor of Science in Accountancy 

Accounting is the science of studying and understanding how to manage monetary assets, tracking input and outflow, and comprehending the subject's laws and norms. Keep in mind that an accountant is required by every business and organization.

  • Bachelor of Science in Accounting Technology

 - This course is an updated version of accounting that teaches students how to compute and organize financial paperwork using contemporary technology and widely-used electronic platforms, similar to accountancy.

With an accounting degree, you can work as a chief financial officer, budget or financial analyst, internal auditor, or a variety of other positions.

2. The Business Courses

  •  Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness Management

-  This course teaches you how to distribute your resources according to your company productivity in connection to agricultural and farming endeavors, in accordance with the Department of Trade and Industry's instruction (DTI). If you're interested in agriculture, farming, or improving farmers' living conditions, this course is for you.

  • Bachelor of Science in  Business Administration

 - This is a popular course for students who want to advance in their careers or start a business. Students who major in business administration gain leadership abilities and a business mindset. Keep in mind that different schools and institutions offer numerous business administration courses with distinct majors and specializations.

  • Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship

The entrepreneurship course focuses on business growth and prepares students to operate their own firms and firms, in addition to the essential learnings of business administration. Some institutions promote the entrepreneurial spirit by allowing students to establish enterprises while still in school.  This allows students to strengthen and build their business under the guidance of their teachers, eventually graduating with a fully fledged company on their hands.

3. The Management Courses

  • Bachelor of Science in Community Development

Are you involved in charitable work or volunteering for NGOs and non-profits? This course could be right for you if you envisage yourself doing those acts of kindness for the rest of your life! Community Development is for persons who are motivated by the desire to develop communities and make the world a better place. This course is built on the principles of education and collaboration in order to better the lives of others. 

  •  Bachelor of Science and Foreign Service

 - This course will teach you how to interact and correspond with other nations while maintaining reciprocal advantages in terms of investment flow, growth and development, tourism, and social and occupational wellbeing.

  • Bachelor of Science in Hotel & Restaurant Management 

This course is for individuals who wish to work in the dynamic, never-sleeping, service-oriented business, whether they wish to build their own hotel or restaurant in the future or work for a 5-star chain. Hotel and Restaurant Management (HRM) is a program that prepares students for careers in the hospitality sector and business, whether in the kitchen, back-of-house, or front-of-house.

  • Bachelor of Science and in Tourism Management

In the hotel business, Tourism Management has a more specialized reach. Tourism, unlike Hotel and Restaurant Management, emphasizes travel and tourism in the hospitality industry. This course prepares students to become business leaders, managers, entrepreneurs, and competent professionals in the travel sector, whether they wish to start their own firm or work for a travel agency. 
